Simple and Professional
Disregard the negative reviews. This software is worth its price just for its Noise Gate Expander — the best noise filter Ive used. No crashes on 8Gb memory (Mac Mini). Intuitive interface and controls. No problem processing a great variety of formats (including MP3) if you know what youre doing: process .aiff — *then* output to your tool of choice (M4A is superior, BTW).
Many professionals use this audio processing software for the Mac. Yes, there are one or two issues we may need to negotiate. For example, Skype may compete real-time for control of audio settings. But understanding that, you dont try to get too much out of your system.
Given the quality filters and recording you can do with Sound Studio, I dont think theres any legitimate complaint — or much more we could ask for, either.
mike montagne about
Sound Studio